Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 2: Blessed

Our second day has come to an end! Woohoo!
Joe and Jeremiah told me to sleep and write in the blog tomorrow, but... I don't want to listen to them. useless leaders. hahahahahha just kidding. But yeah, in all seriousness, I really want to write this right now because today was a pretty big day. God gave us an incredible opportunity and I know a lot of us were affected by what we saw tonight.

So as most of you know (if anyone is reading...heheh), we are currently in Bangkok with Pastor Paul. And today, we got to meet a sister named Sophia, who mainly works with victims in sex trafficking. She has an amazing story and with it comes a strength I've personally never seen before. It's crazy, because as she was sharing a part of her life with us today, I saw so much of God's love pouring out of her. It's so clear that she finds herself and all her strength within our Father and it was such an amazing experience getting to speak with her. Such a blessing as well :) She even gave us a chance (which we all carefully took) to walk in the streets of Bangkok where sex trafficking is pretty prominent and that was... really something else. I could tell we were all taken aback from what we saw but I think we did pretty well. I won't go too much into it but it definitely opened my eyes. We were able to watch while Sophia spoke to and loved on those who stood on the sidewalks and it was so encouraging; she was basically the light God provided while we were in the darkness :D (is that too cheesy haha...) But yeah, she really is awesome and I truly felt God speaking to us through her.

But throughout the whole day, as we all saw the overwhelming amount of love Sophia has in her heart, I realized something as a thought passed my head: this love is just a small part of what God has to offer.

I can't even imagine... Sophia said it herself- "I am human and I am imperfect." Still, the amount of love she exerts is incredible, and it undeniably touched our hearts. But just thinking of what we felt today and thinking of God and all the love He has for us is unbelievable. Man... HOW blessed are we?! We fail Him every day yet He continues to provide us with His love. And speaking with Sophia and seeing her big heart really reminded me of why we are all here. I mean, it's only day 2 in Thailand and we're already learning so much. But that's God for ya, right? :) So awesome.

But yeah, I guess that was the highlight of today ^^ We also went back to the refugee house to make dinner for the families and it was so heartwarming because they greeted us so openly! It was a little difficult yesterday because it was when we were all trying to open up to one another, but it was definitely a lot better today. God gifted them with a special kind of happiness and it's super encouraging to be around them so I'm excited to head back again tomorrow! It's always a good time there (of the 2 times we went, at least LOL). ...So yeah I guess this is the perfect time to post pictures from today!

Stolen from Sophia's instagram haha, but I like this picture a lot :) This was after talking with her at a cafe.
Our team at a cool cafe oh yeahhhhh
Caleb opened this at a restaurant to see what it was and we saw all these ants infesting the salt T_T
We met with Sophia at this really cool airport themed mall!
haha some of the cute girls at the home we visited
Our beautiful sister, Kandace, playing with some of the kids :)

This is kind of random, but before heading to the streets with Sophia, she told us to praise in our heads to drive out whatever fear we had in our hearts. A song that automatically came into my head as we were walking was Hosanna by Hillsong. I'm actually listening to it right now as I check out for tonight! It's one of my favorite songs and these lyrics kept replaying in my head as we walked.

Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

......blah omg I just realized I wrote so much... or too much T_T I'll just end it here. I tend to write a lot... I'm so sorry. Haha but if you read this all, THANK YOU! I'll sing for you (even though no one seems to like it when I do). But enough about me! It was such a fun day and I thank God once again for being SO good. He is continuously bringing blessings to each and every one of our lives, and we can't thank Him enough. I'm super excited to the rest of this trip! This is only the beginning.

Good night/morning/afternoon/evening!
- Euna


  1. Looks like you guys are having a time filled with much blessings from the Lord.

    Have fun and do His work!
    Praying with all my heart from the U.S,

  2. Thank you so much for sharing my dear!! Praise God for what He is doing and continue to be the light!!! WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU <3 <3
    oh btw, I love that song too :]

    Love your sister in Christ,
